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OSPF Open Shortest Path First Protocol

OSPF Limerick

There once was a routing protocol
OSPF was its name, it was droll
It spread updates with care
To routers everywhere
So that packets would never grow stale.

  • Most widely used interior gateway routing protocol
  • Open standard (non-proprietary)
  • Fast convergence
  • It's been around since 1989.

How does it differ from other routing protocols?

Distance Vector Protocols

Distance Vector routing protocols base their decisions on the best path to a given destination based on the distance.

Distance is usually measured in hops, though the distance metric could be delay, packets lost, or something similar.

If the distance metric is hop, then each time a packet goes through a router, a hop is considered to have traversed. The route with the least number of hops to a given network is concluded to be the best route towards that network.

The vector shows the direction to that specific network. Distance vector protocols send their entire routing table to directly connected neighbors.

* source - Pluralsight - Dynamic Routing Protocols: Distance Vector and Link State

Link state protocols are also called shortest-path-first protocols. Link state routing protocols have a complete picture of the network topology. Hence they know more about the whole network than any distance vector protocol.

Three separate tables are created on each link state routing enabled router. One table is used to hold details about directly connected neighbors, one is used to hold the topology of the entire internetwork and the last one is used to hold the actual routing table.

Link state protocols send information about directly connected links to all the routers in the network.

* source - Pluralsight - Dynamic Routing Protocols: Distance Vector and Link State

RIP and IGRP OSPF and IS-IS  (EIGRP is considered a hybrid protocol because it uses both distance vector and link state.)
Only communicates with neighbor routers Communicates with all other routers in an area
Calculates path based on distance and vector Calculates shortest path based on link-state parameters
Passes entire routing table to directly connected neighbor routers Passes link-state routing updates to other routers

  • Routers share their entire routing table via link-state advertisements (LSAs)
  • LSAs include router and network information
  • LSAs are stored in the routers' Link-State Database (LSDB)
  • LSDB can be thought of like a network topology map.
  • LSAs are the networking information NOT the packet.  The packet that carries the LSA information is called the Link-State Update (LSU).

1. LSR

Router A send a link-state request (LSR) to gather route information from the neighbor router -- Router B

2. LSU

Router B replies with a Link -State Update (LSU) containing the requested Link-State Advertisement (LSA) information.

3. LSAck

Router A receives the LSU with LSA attached and sends a Link-State Acknowledgement (LSAck) back to Router B


Dijkstra's Algorithm

The speed of OSPF can be attributed to the Dijkstra Algorithm (Shortest Path First)

Dijkstra's algorithm is a method for finding the shortest path between two points in a graph. The graph could represent, for example, a map with cities as nodes and roads as edges, where the length of the edges represents the distance between the cities. The algorithm starts at one node, called the "source" node, and explores all the paths to the other nodes, called "destination" nodes, in the graph. It keeps track of the shortest path to each destination node that it has found so far, and updates this information as it explores new paths.

At each step, the algorithm selects the destination node that can be reached with the shortest known path from the source node, and explores the paths to all the other nodes that can be reached from this node. This process is repeated until the algorithm has found the shortest path to the destination node that you are interested in.

The algorithm is called Dijkstra's algorithm because it was invented by a Dutch computer scientist named Edsger W. Dijkstra in the 1950s. Dijkstra's algorithm is also famous because it's the first algorithm that uses a priority queue(heap) rather than a queue to proceed from one node to the other.

It is often used for finding the shortest path in a navigation or transportation network, or for routing packets of data in a computer network

Illustration of Dijkstra's algorithm finding a path from a start node (lower left, red) to a goal node (upper right, green) in a robot motion planning problem. Open nodes represent the "tentative" set (aka set of "unvisited" nodes). Filled nodes are the visited ones, with color representing the distance: the greener, the closer. Nodes in all the different directions are explored uniformly, appearing more-or-less as a circular wavefront as Dijkstra's algorithm uses a heuristic identically equal to 0.

* source:

OSPF Path Selection

OSFP History


OSPF Areas

An OSPF Area is a network where routers all have the same routing information (LSAs) Network updates are localized per area and routers share topology information within the second table mentioned above (topology table).  To reduce the size of the topology table in very large OSPF implementations the areas can be broken up into different OSPF area limits.  Thus, the network updates will only be applied to the specifically identified area.


Area 0 is the Backbone and all other areas must connect back to Area 0

Adding an Area3 through Area 1 (as in the diagram below) would not be a correct or allowed configuration as Area 3 is NOT connected to Area 0, the Backbone.


Adding Area 3 by connecting it to the backbone is the correct method for adding another OSPF Area as in the updated diagram below.


OSPF Neighbor Requirements

  • Must be on the same Area
  • Must match the following fields:
    • Hello timer - the interval in seconds that a router sends hello messages out of an OSPF-enabled interface
    • Dead timer - the time in seconds that an OSPF enabled interface will wait to receive a hello message from a neighbor before considering that neighbor to be down.
    • Authentication
    • Maximum transmission unit (MTU)
    • Stub flags

Hello timer Defaults: Sent every 10 seconds on broadcast or P2P networks. Sent every 30 seconds on non-broadcast multiple assess networks (NBMA) (i.e.; Frame Relay).  Hello packets are sent to all other routers to the following broadcast addresses depending on IP version

  • IPv4 -
  • IPv6 - FF02::5

When sending Hello packets to designated routers the following addresses are used.  What is a designated router? See Below.

  • IPv4 -
  • IPv6 - FF02::6

Dead timer Defaults: 4 times the hello timer.


Wait timer is the number of seconds a router waits for the designated router or backup designated router to be advertised before beginning an election.

Retransmit is the number of seconds a router waits before retransmitting an OSPF packet that has not been acknowledged.

How to Change the Various Intervals


Router0(config)# interface gigabitEthernet 0/1
Router0(Config-if)#ip ospf hello-interval 20

Designated Router (DR) and Backup Designated Router (BDR)

Router adjacencies are neighbor routers that share LSUs and database description packets. 

A large network could have a huge number of adjacencies as show by this formula:


So for 4 routers the number of adjacencies would be [4*(4-1)]/2 = 6. And for 10 the number of adjacencies would be [10*(10-1)]/2 = 45.  As you can see the number of adjacencies becomes large very quickly. And a router will not be 'close' to all these adjacencies. Instead, an OSPF router is close to a specific router (neighbor) and that router is deemed the designated router (DR). And they also form an adjacency with a backup designated router (BDR).  This is to reduce the adjacency volume.


How does a router select its DR and BDR?

  • Priority level (default is 1) The higher the priority the better.
    • To adjust the priority level go to the interface global config and enter

Router1(config-if)# ip ospf priority [#]

    • If you do not want a router to be considered as a DR or BDR set the priority level to zero (0) and it will no longer participate in the election.
  • Router ID
    • Router ID can be configured

Router1(config)#router ospf 1
Router1(config-router)#router-id [id]

  • Loopback interface IP address
  • Interface IP address


Not all network types conduct a DR/BDR election

Network Type DR/BDR Election?
Point to Point No
Broadcast Yes
Non broadcast multiple access (NMBA) Yes
Point to Multipoint No

Area Border Router (ABR)


Typically an ABR has more processing power that an non ABR since they will have to store the routing tables for multiple OSPF Areas.

Autonomous System Boundary Router (ASBR)


This router has one interface connected to OSPF and another interface with an entirely different routing protocol (i.e.; EIGRP)

LSA Types

  • Type 1: Router LSA - this LAS type is what the routers use to advertise directly attached networks.
  • Type 1: Network LSA - used in transit networks for DR/BDR elections
    • No need for Type 2 Network LSA in Point to Point (except Frame Relay) or Point to Multipoint 
    • No need for Type 2 Network LSA of links going to end devices
  • Type 3: Summary LSA - these LSAs come into play for Area Border Routers (ABR)
  • Type 4 and Type 5 LSAs are created when an OSPF network is connected to another autonomous system (i.e.; EIGRP)
    • Type 4: Summary ASBR LSA
    • Created by an ABR to tell an Area how to reach and ASBR


    • Type 5: AS External LSA
    • Type 5 is created by the ASBR to advertise networks in different autonomous systems


Router0#show ip ospf database


Stub Areas

An area that is only connected to the backbone and is not connected to any other autonomous systems

Route Summarization

In IPv4 networking, route summarization, also known as route aggregation, is a technique used to reduce the number of routing table entries on a router. This is done by grouping together several smaller networks into a single, larger network, and then advertising the summary route to other routers instead of the individual smaller networks.

For example, imagine a network with several subnets, such as,,, and so on. Instead of having a separate routing table entry for each of these subnets, route summarization allows a router to group them together into a single network, such as This single entry will take the place of all the individual entries, reducing the size of the routing table and making it more efficient.

Route summarization is done by using a mask (also called a subnet mask) that is longer than the original subnet mask. This allows a group of subnets to be represented by a single IP address and mask.

The benefit of this technique is that it can help reduce the number of routing table entries and improve the performance of the routing process. By reducing the size of the routing table, routers can make faster and more efficient routing decisions. It also can help to reduce the amount of routing information that needs to be exchanged between routers.

It's important to note that while route summarization can help to improve the scalability and performance of a network, it can also create potential problem like black hole routing, where packets might be dropped if they are not delivered to the correct destination. Therefore, it's important to be mindful of the address space being used and make sure that the summary route being advertised not overlap with other routes that exist in the network.

Decimal Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4 11000000 10101000 00001000 00000000 11000000 10101000 00001001 00000000 11000000 10101000 00001010 00000000 11000000 10101000 00001011 00000000
SUMMARY IP 11000000 10101000 00001000 00000000

192 168 8 0
Subnet Mask 11111111 11111111 11111100 00000000
/22 255 255 252 0

Summarization Result = with subnet (/22)